On April 6th 2016, the NSLI-Y Alumni Association and iEARN USA hosted the "Coming Back, Giving Back: Using Your NSLI-Y Experience for Good" Virtual Event!

This webinar is part of a month-long campaign encouraging NSLI-Y alumni to share stories of how they have used their study abroad experience to give back to their communities. It featured five speakers talking work they have done in immigration services, ESL, LGBTQ advocacy, working with under-served youth, and environmental research. The goal of the presentations was to not only celebrate the incredible work that NSLI-Y alumni are doing, but also to inspire and enable other alumni to undertake similar work.

Check out the highlights of each presentation or the full recording below!

The first presenter was Katy, Egypt 2010, speaking on her work in immigration legal services in New York City:

The second presenter was Kelcie, Morocco 2015, presenting about teaching English in Palestine:

The third presenter was Amanda, India 2015, talking about her participating in the LGBTQ rights movement in Rome:

The fourth presenter was Maria, Egypt 2006, presenting about her work running pre-college programs in Wisconsin:

And the final presentation was from Starr, Egypt 2009, talking about her work in environmental research in Cairo, Alaska and Canada:

The full recording can be viewed below:

A huge thanks to all of our presenters and the staff at iEARN USA for making this event possible!

If you are a NSLI-Y alumna or alumnus who has used your study abroad experience to give back to your home (or adopted home) community, share your story today with [email protected].